About the Provost

heather lattimer

Heather Lattimer, Ed.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Lattimer is Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Cal State LA, ranked number one in the nation for the upward mobility of its students. She assumed the role of Cal State LA's chief academic officer in March 2025 and has been a part of the California State University system since 2018, most recently serving as Dean of the Connie L. Lurie College of Education at San José State University. During her tenure, Lurie College experienced major growth in student enrollment, increased diversity among students, faculty, and staff, established new programs that extend access to minoritized communities, deepened community partnerships, boosted faculty research productivity, and expanded its philanthropic and grant-funded support. At SJSU, Dr. Lattimer also served as Interim Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, and lead for the San José sub-region of the Bay Area K16 Collaborative.  

Dr. Lattimer grew up in San Diego and began her career as a public middle and high school teacher in San José and San Diego Unified School Districts. She earned her B.A. from Harvard, M.A. from Stanford, and Ed.D. from the University of California, San Diego. She was a professor and director of a research institute at the University of San Diego before happily joining the California State University system in 2018. Her research focuses on K12 literacy, college access, and teacher education; she has published widely for academic and practitioner audiences. Dr. Lattimer enjoys spending time with her family—including three adult children and an energetic 2-year-old dog—and is a slow but enthusiastic runner and hiker. 

As Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr.Lattimer oversees eight colleges and the University Library and works in collaboration with divisions across campus to ensure student success.